Julian Darley and Celine Rich set up Mysterious Movies in January 2010.
We aim to make classy, sophisticated, contemporary movies with production values and sensibilities similar to modern films like The King’s Speech, Midnight in Paris, Easy A and Le Placard, but also evoking the Golden Age of Hollywood and Britain, with a touch of timeless French flare.
We want to reach intelligent, engaged people who are worried about the world and would like to see stories which explore the situation humanity finds itself in, but in an unusual, interesting and often thrilling way.
Our live action films are mostly set in a contemporary milieu in order to connect with a broad age range of viewers.

Julian Darley - writer / director / CEO
London-born, Julian Darley has had what is wittily called a portfolio career. He ended his first movie life in Hollywood in 1990, then spent two eventful decades in nearly a dozen countries trying to find out why he’d left. Now he is returning to the real world with a slate of movie projects from fast-paced thrillers through family animation to racy romantic comedies. Julian began his film career at the National Film School as an under-cover student - in those days there were legions of unofficial students who helped with everything - a bit anarchic, but a brilliant learning ground. Julian went on to crew, then write and/or direct a number of music videos, most notably for Mel and Kim. After a number of years making industrial and educational films in England, Julian got a lucky break and went to Hollywood to become a script doctor on feature films such as The Heist (with Pierce Brosnan, directed by Stuart Orme). Julian went on to work for story guru Robert McKee and then collaborated with Lawrence Bender (Tarantino's producer) on a number of ultra-low budget films such as Nancy Reagan’s Out Of A Job. In the 1990s, Julian pursued an academic career gaining two masters degrees: in journalism (UT Austin) and social research & the environment (University of Surrey). In the last decade, in North America, Julian started one of the first Internet broadcasting stations, wrote a well regarded book on natural gas, and founded a cutting-edge international, energy and environment think-tank. Julian is using his diverse background in different worlds, cultures and countries to create stories of unusual range and depth. He welcomes feedback and, of course, any interest from investors, distributors and all creative collaborators. Julian Darley is a member of Directors UK.

Celine Rich - story development / producer / CFO
Celine began her love of films as a young girl when her parents sent her to the local movie theatre (in Chilliwack, British Columbia) every week so that they could cope with the Friday night rush in their family restaurant. Celine's first love was fashion design and making clothes. From there she transferred her making skills to the world of sculpture, public art and organising. In art school, Celine worked on many films as costume maker & designer, set decorator and production assistant. Celine has worked with Julian since 1999. In the last decade, she has managed complex, multi-millionaire dollar, concurrent, international projects all connected with communications aimed at different markets. She managed staff in five different countries and multiple time-zones. In Mysterious Movies, as well as being producer, Celine oversees all stories and scripts, is in charge of casting, general hiring, administration and financial control. Celine Rich is a member of Women in Film and Television UK